The Best Tools for Background Removal in Real Estate Images | YouTube

submitted 3 years ago by alanlegaspi to pics

Taking photos may not always be done in the best conditions, but we have to work with what we have. Professional photographers will understand that site photography is not the end-all. In fact, it is only setting up the photo for post-processing. This is where real estate image editing comes into play. The beauty of technology these days is that it is boundless. The possibilities are limited only to one’s imagination and maximizing what today’s computer editing software can do might just be too extensive that it becomes too scary.

For real estate image editing, the goal is to produce a beautiful photo that will be eye-catching enough for the viewer to take a second look at the photo. Ultimately, the objective is to culminate into a sale by the real estate selling body. The most important aspects in achieving this goal is to correct the perception of the photo. This means that the brightness, color contrasts, hues, and illumination must all be adjusted to bring the image to life. Others may opt to stage an interior shot using editing software due to the lack of time and resources to fit the rooms with the proper furniture. However, above all this one very important post-processing aspect must be considered and that is background manipulation or even replacement.

Real estate image background removal is required on occasions where the day is not ideal. This can be done on shoots where the day is gloomy or perhaps an overcast is forecasted to loom the entire day. Whichever the case is, a bright sunny day is the ideal setting of a listed real estate photo. Real estate image background removal will definitely help the cause and you maybe in for a surprise to know that this can also be used for interiors.

Reference: Photo and Video Photos | The Best Tools for Background Removal in Real Estate Images