Kwai noodles zero missing microwave

submitted 4 years ago by mieuxx to deals

Kwai noodles zero missing microwave oven recipe fast food challenge big hand challenge party chef finally tried the movie with microwave oven to make instant noodles, super simple, fast and slightly improved, very delicious! 1。 Prepare instant noodles, eggs, a little scallion, chili oil or beef sauce; 2. Add hot water to the flour until the cake has just passed, put it in the microwave oven, turn it to 600, and then let it sting for one minute. 3. Put the seasoning, scallion, beef sauce, etc., mix well, and Double Burner Induction Cooktop bite for two minutes. 4. Beat the eggs on the noodles, do not stir, and sting Induction Cooktop Manufacturer for another minute; 5. Put the noodles on the eggs, sting for a minute, and let them out of the oven! At this time, the egg is soft, and the noodles are full of soup, which makes it delicious. If you don't like to eat soft boiled eggs, you can reduce step 3 by 1 minute, and then step 5 by 1 minute. In this way, the noodles will not be too soft, and the eggs will be more shaped. The taste is almost the same. You can