Survey Says? Young Pro’s Expect the Right to Work Remotely

submitted 7 years ago by RajeshKanta to demcra

A recent study by Cisco found that more than 60% of college students and young professionals worldwide say that they have a right to work remotely on a flexible schedule.

Moreover, approximately 70% of those surveyed say coming into the office regularly is unnecessary. Staggering numbers by any measure and certainly a wake-up call for employers, but not completely surprising in our opinion. The ubiquity of mobile devices, social media, and technology innovations has rendered “daily office visits” unnecessary and arguably unproductive. Carve off commute times and gas expenses, and you’ve got an even stronger case for giving the students what they want.

25% of the respondents surveyed even indicated they thought working from home would make them more productive. The new, modern work paradigm places more emphasis on the quality and timeliness of the work rather than on where it occurred. Of course, that’s where tools like HiveDesk come in — allowing employers to track work sessions and productivity levels of young professionals working remotely, helping ensure they stay focused and on task.

The right to work remotely? Maybe the students are on to something…