How much would it cost to develop a TaskRabbit clone?

submitted 4 years ago by jackricher478 to Canada

It takes a lot to develop an app like TaskRabbit, it's not just about the cost. However, it is also quite difficult to tell the actual cost of developing a TaskRabbit clone app. Firstly, developing an app like TaskRabbit from scratch can take up three to four years.

Cost of developing a TaskRabbit clone can't be defined exactly because a clone is customized multiple times. Also, some more features are also added to the clone apps to make them a bit different from the original ones. The cost of developing a TaskRabbit clone app can be increased or decreased according to the app customization. App customization included features integration and app design. White-labelling can also make difference in TaskRabbit clone app development. Well, white-labelling includes:

App logo App Name/Brand Name Currency Integration Language Integration To get better knowledge about the cost of developing a TaskRabbit clone app, consider consulting with Appdupe as they are best on demand app developing company that even provides best in class services after app purchase.