Thanks for making it here to wrap it up

submitted 1 year ago by Devon456 to GreatAwakening

Blocks that break a shield block will cause a lot of damage at the shield bar, with the excess water flowing towards the adversary and punishes hiding behind a shield rather then moving in order to avoid attack.

Block breaking attacks cause 50 to 100 percentage more damage depending on the weapon

Daggers as well as extremely light weapons such as rapiers are not able to beat block breakers. This requires sneaky and clever courses to use sly and clever , and relie on outmatching and of the way of their adversaries.

Thanks for making it here to wrap it up.

The combination of all these factors creates lots of moment to instant options and reactions you could make that your opponent can react to. This significantly expands and builds upon the timing and positioning components of the game well also making the game feel more fair and less like you're able to win or lose simply based on your stats, increasing the quality of play for experienced players as well as novices. IT can also help avoid the complex combat methods in Mordhau and Chivalry that a lot of the public seems to be disaffected to.

I hope you will support this thread by engaging in discussions about the thread and its ideas more in depth, refining them and expanding on it so that it stays in the forefront of discussions where the devs will be able to view it and hopefully implement it prior to the next play test.

The truth is that it is for the advantage of Dark and even darker

"Current problems: The combat is all about moving and is it about positioning as well as what gear you're sporting and what your health bar appears like. Your other tools Can help until you are in melee." If you want to learn more about Dark And Darker,please vist