Discovering Power & Beauty: How Ballet Can Benefit People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - UAC

submitted 3 weeks ago by unitedartscollier to Movies

MS, or multiple sclerosis, is a chronic condition of the nervous system that can cause a variety of physical and cognitive challenges, such as a decrease in one’s ability to move and stay balanced. There is currently no cure for MS, but engaging in physical activities like ballet can provide significant benefits to those living with the disease. Ballet has a very controlled kind of movement and a focus on posture that really translates well into the management of multiple sclerosis. Ballet employs an array of slow, deliberate exercises that help to reform stance and tone muscle without taxing the body. These same exercises help individuals with MS stay within their limitations but still have some form of treatment, reducing the frequently manifesting, draining weariness associated with the condition.

In addition, ballet can help improve proprioception — the ability to sense the position of the various parts of one’s body in space. Enhanced proprioception can assist in offsetting the impact of MS-related nerve damage, which typically disrupts neural passages that coordinate muscle movements and balance. Consistent ballet training can facilitate the daily lives of patients by refining their mastery over motion. The fact that ballet is so rhythmically based really adds a cognitive element of thinking, and right now there is work going into what’s called the brain-body connection and how that is crucial for balance.

Emily Davis, a ballerina who completed a research study about ballet and how it can help those diagnosed with MS in Glasgow, was credited with finding evidence in her groundbreaking research:

“People with MS can have problems with movement and balance which can be helped with exercise. Ballet is a form of physical activity which may be more expressive, fun and with a stronger social component than traditional forms of rehabilitation…Emily’s PhD has been the catalyst for the successful collaboration between Glasgow Caledonian, RCS and Scottish Ballet, and this collaboration will continue to grow and strengthen thanks to Emily’s work.”

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Although ballet might feel daunting, its advantages expand beyond customary classes. Tailored dance programs uniquely crafted for individuals with multiple sclerosis are more widely accessible. These programs concentrate on feasible adjustments, forging a secure and encouraging atmosphere. In addition to ballet, there are other ways of moving your body that can be fantastic for MS. Think of activities like yoga, tai chi, or swimming. All of these exercises offer a magical combination of benefits when it comes to balance, flexibility, cardiovascular health, and muscle strength. Exercise also has psychological benefits, such as decreasing stress and increasing feelings of well-being, that can be particularly valuable for people with MS who may be experienced the emotional impacts of their disease. All you have to do is find something you love and then adapt it to what works for your body.

If you have multiple sclerosis and are considering ballet, don’t forget to check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise regimen. People with MS should talk with healthcare professionals to customize their workout routine to fit their unique needs and abilities. When approached correctly, dance and other exercises are strong weapons in the battle to keep MS under control and make life better. Develop one together, enabling you to ease symptoms and move with great assurance.