Django vs React Native

submitted 2 years ago by zaidghanchi to android, updated 2 years ago

React Native is a framework based on JavaScript while on the other hand, while Django is a python framework for creating web applications with a clear architecture and rapid development. There are various reasons for choosing one of these frameworks to determine the Django and React native app development cost. Talking about Django, it allows the developers to use modules for faster app development. On the other hand, React is a famous JavaScript library used to build modern web applications. Benefits of Django include many libraries, add-on modules, and packages. Furthermore, it has other advantages like easy API setup, protection, simple configuration protection, and runs on Mac, Linux, and PC. On the contrary, React native provides a range of templates, redux for easy management, a shorter learning curve, the development of isomorphic applications, and many more. Generally, whatever framework you would like to work with depends on the overall complexity and requirements of the concerned projects.