5 Ways To Grow An Instagram Following And Increase Online Store Sales

submitted 3 years ago by hinderlogins to business

  1. Disseminate viral content A surfer cannot create waves; his or her success is dependent on his or her skill to select the best wave available. Similarly, if you just have a small following, it is difficult to become virally popular. You may, however, choose to go in the opposite direction. Instead than attempting to generate virality, aim to catch the appropriate wave. In the public relations sector, this is referred to as “newsjacking.” You must identify viral trends, photos, or videos and then capitalize on them by creating content that discusses the trends, images, or videos in question. Alternatively, you may repost the material with a caption expressing your gratitude to the creator.

  2. Hold contests Giveaways are an excellent method to quickly get followers. Set up a giveaway campaign with the top Instagram profiles in your field after networking with them. Make it such that they must also follow your account in order to have a chance of winning (that way, you get to earn some new followers.) To enhance the odds of winning, ask the audience to tag numerous friends in the post to increase its virality.

  3. Purchase Shoutouts When it comes to developing audiences, you don’t necessarily have to start from zero. Taking advantage of the larger Instagram presence and trying to piggyback on the monster may be a good strategy. The most effective way to accomplish this is to purchase shoutouts from accounts with larger followings than your own. They will then be able to direct some of their followers to your account as a result of this.

  4. Pods for engagement What exactly are engagement pods, and how do you go about using them? An engagement pod is a private discussion or group of individuals who have agreed to interact with each other’s material after it has been made publicly available. By like and commenting on one other’s posts, the objective here is to create a community where accounts with similar audiences may help each other grow organically by encouraging one another to do the same. It is preferable to have a larger gathering of people.

As soon as one of those Instagram accounts posts something new, the link to it is posted into a group discussion that has been established using Telegram, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram DM, or some other chat software. Everybody in the pod can then comment and like on the post, which will encourage other followers to do the same as well.

  1. Make use of the “Powerliking” technique Powerlikes are likes/comments from a network of large accounts (a network of 100k+ accounts is considered significant) that appear as soon as your post is published. With this strategy, you will be able to take advantage of Instagram’s algorithm, which claims that “the first 10 minutes of a post’s existence are important for creating traction and determining how well it will do in reaching beyond your existing following.”

Here’s why it’s effective: Instagram’s ‘Following’ option allows your followers to see who you have been engaging with and whose posts you have liked. The same is true for Instagram profiles with a higher following.