Cryptocurrency exchange script is capable of generating a substantial amount of revenue. The following are the possible ways you could contemplate revenue generation.
Deposit fees A Deposit fee could be charged when a currency is transferred within the platform. As you will be aware of a transaction fee that is different from a transaction fee, in which you could incur a charge when users make a purchase or transaction.
Withdrawal Fees Whenever users withdraw digital currencies from their wallets, a certain percentage of the fee will be charged for doing so.
Listing fees Upon registering with the cryptocurrency exchange platform, the users have an option to list their cryptocurrencies. You could levy charges for the same.
Trading commission fees A trading commission would be the most probable way to generate revenue from the crypto trading platform. The trading fees will be levied whenever users trade cryptocurrencies on the platform.
Launchpad It could also be a way to generate revenue. For this, the platform has to be integrated with fundraising modules. In this, third parties, companies, or startups can go ahead with a token sale; eventually, the platform owner would earn money.
As a white-label cryptocurrency exchange script is capable of modification, the possible approaches for generating revenue could be made with the passing years of an ever-changing market environment.