Problems You Can Run Into With Self-Leveling Concrete

submitted 1 year ago by tamarasha to business

Here are some problems that you may run into when using self-leveling concrete:

Premature drying: Self-leveling concrete needs to be kept moist for at least 24 hours after it has been applied. If it dries too quickly, it may not reach its full strength and may be prone to cracks.

Shrinkage cracks: Like all concrete, self-leveling concrete will shrink as it dries. This can cause cracks to form, especially if the concrete was applied too thinly or if there is no expansion joint present.

Poor adhesion: If the surface of the subfloor is not properly prepared, the self-leveling concrete may not adhere properly. This can cause the concrete to peel or delaminate.

Air bubbles: If the self-leveling concrete is not mixed or applied properly, air bubbles can become trapped in the mix. These air bubbles can weaken the concrete and cause it to fail.

Slump: Self-leveling concrete should have a consistent, flowable consistency. If it is too thick or too thin, it may not level properly and may not provide a smooth, even surface.

STL Polyjack is the best-rated Concrete Leveling in St. Louis. We use the Polyjacking method which is using Polyurethane foam for concrete lifting and leveling.