Uniswap Clone - A Secured DEX platform

submitted 2 years ago by natsha to cryptocurrency

Uniswap Clone is a platform built on Ethereum blockchain technology to swap and trade 100+ cryptocurrencies. The Automated Market Making (AMM) effectively executes trades in the platform and enables users to swap their cryptos by connecting the web3 wallets such as Coinbase wallet, MetaMask, etc.

Aaliya replied 2 years ago

DeFi Development : DeFi Development is transforming the finance industry to accommodate digital assets from limitless transactions. Decentralized finance (DeFi) system provides financial instruments without relying on mediators such as brokerages, exchanges, or banks by using smart contracts on a blockchain. DeFi platforms allow people to lend or borrow funds from others, speculate on price movements on assets using derivatives, trade cryptocurrencies, insure against risks, and earn interest in savings-like accounts. Get a Live Demo:https://www.cryptoexchangescript.com/defi-development