How to protect a digital footprint using Norton setup?

submitted 5 years ago by smithmachinist725 to demcra

Organizations recommend tracking your digital footprint by taking the necessary steps to control it. You can take these steps only if you know the boundaries of the information you leave behind. Below given are the steps that will help you to manage it easily. Use multiple search engines to search your name- input your full name into several search engines and perform a search. Go through the first two pages and review it completely. If you see anything suspicious, dishonoring, or unprofessional ask the site administrator to remove it from the site. Setting up Google alert is one of the best ways to keep an eye on your name. Some websites might have more information about you than you want to disclose to others. These may include contact details, address, and personal information such as age, gender, and even your photograph. Get in touch with Norton and reduce the risk to your safety. Cross check your privacy settings- privacy setting of any application or social media account allow you to control your activities on them. Give a little time to learn about these settings, and get to know how to make its full use.