Plan your automated software testing journey with Quinnox

submitted 2 years ago by Quinnox to demcra

Why should you adopt automated software testing for your business?

The term automated software testing refers to the use of software tools to speed up a manual, human-driven process of inspecting and certifying a software product. Nowadays, the great majority of agile and DevOps software development initiatives start off with automated testing. However, it is important to understand how things worked in the past, prior to automated testing's broad adoption, in order to fully appreciate its value.

Back in the day, when manual testing was the industry standard, it was common practice for software companies to employ a full-time quality assurance (QA) team on staff. In today's world, however, automated testing is the norm. This team would be in charge of creating a series of "test plans," which are detailed checklists that verify a software project's component functions as planned. Every time a fresh update or modification was submitted to the software project, the quality assurance team would then manually go through these checklists. They would then report the test plan findings back to the engineering team for assessment and any further work that would be needed to fix any issues.

This process was time-consuming, costly, and prone to error. When quality assurance teams adopt automated software testing solutions, they see considerable benefits in both their return on investment and their efficiency.

When automated software testing is carried out, the engineering team is assigned ownership responsibilities for the product. The test plans are developed simultaneously with the regular development of the features of the roadmap, and they are then automatically carried out by the tools for the continuous integration of software. Quinnox's software testing supports maintaining a small quality assurance (QA) team size and frees the QA team to focus on the most crucial parts of the product. Get a trial with us!

vestelaspu replied 9 months ago

I am dissapointed that I came here at flask vs django. They literally ruined my entire project. Due to this reason I am not happy with it!

StanleyFox replied 1 year ago

In addition, Vloki Suite is designed to help your organization stay compliant with all relevant regulations and laws. This includes GDPR, HIPAA, and other data privacy and security regulations. With VLOKI Suite, you can maintain the highest standards of data protection while also streamlining your compliance processes.