Mobile Health (mHealth) Market Analysis and Forecast

submitted 4 years ago by Catherine to health

Based on the 50+ mHealth startups, we would like to share recent data on the mobile health market. This article will cover all the major components of the mHealth industry - a consumer snapshot, competition, types of mHealth apps, and market potential.

Digital healthcare solutions are booming right now. Nowadays, healthcare and technology are coming together to improve your health and wellness condition, identify the first signs of chronic diseases and assist with the necessary doctor's appointments.

Did you know that 59 percent of the people have a mobile health app while over 65 percent of the digital health tool users address their applications at least once per day. The statistics vividly show that global healthcare is on the verge of change and ready to battle current healthcare issues.

It’s fair to say that among all the healthcare industry trends the leading position is occupied by the fitness apps. Such mobile applications focus on maintaining physical health and wellbeing while saving user’s time and money. In fact, being fit is becoming a modern global health strategy due to the contemporary lifestyle pattern. Having long working days at the office, using gadgets that negatively affect the posture and finally, a busy schedule that doesn’t allow you to go to the gym creates urgent health issues for everyone.

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