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How Do You Defintion Soma?

a person holding a bottle of prescription medications In the prescription medicine pain o soma 350mg , a central nervous system depressant, the brand name Soma is used to refer to the muscle relaxant with sedative characteristics.

1 Aspirin and carisoprodol make up a generic compound form of the medicine, while the opioid painkiller codeine makes up another.

Using Soma in conjunction with rest and physical therapy, doctors are able to help alleviate the symptoms of sprained muscles and other muscle strains.

However, some people abuse the substance because of the sedative and relaxing effects it has on them. The majority of people who abuse Soma also use other drugs.

When combined with other sedatives, such as alcohol, as well as opioid pain relievers, Soma can intensify their effects.

When opiate or benzodiazepines are unavailable, those with an addiction to Soma may turn to the drug as a substitute.

Are There Any Impacts?

Soma's medicinal effects are felt within 30 minutes of taking a prescribed dose. They last for 4–6 hours and involve the following:

Muscle pain is lessened.

Refreshed and calmed.


Soma can lead to a euphoric high at greater doses. These are some possible feelings:3

Increased feelings of happiness and self-assurance.

Increased capacity for exertion of willpower.

Increased interaction with others.

Having a good time.


To amplify these effects, it is possible to combine Soma with other medicines like opioids, alcohol, or benzodiazepines.

What Are the Perils?

Side effects may occur if you take the medication as advised by a doctor. The following are possible:1





The heart is pounding.




Overdosing on pain o soma is one of the most dangerous aspects of the drug.

Memory, cognitive, and coordination issues, particularly in the elderly, have been linked to Soma use. Risk of injury from falls or accidents while driving or operating heavy machinery is increased by this. 1

Overdosage is one of the most serious side effects of Soma. Taking excessive amounts of the medicine might lead to life-threatening medical consequences. 1

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An overdose is characterised by the following symptoms:

Soma overdoses are on the rise, and the number of persons who do so is steadily increasing. From 15,830 in 2004 to 31,763 in 2009, the number of emergency room visits attributable to Soma overdoses more than doubled. 4 The patient was admitted to the hospital in a third of these emergency room visits. Soma overdose symptoms include the following:1

Slowing of the heartbeat.

A low pulse rate.

Control of the muscles is lost.

Muscles that are tense and stiff.

Involuntary eye motions that cannot be controlled.

Vision is hazy.

Pupils that are dilated.





An overdose of soma necessitates immediate medical care. Soma overdoses should be reported to the police.

Adding Other Drugs to the Mix

Taking Soma alongside other medicines or alcohol can intensify the sedative and relaxing effects of both substances. Codeine, an opioid painkiller, is already present in some compound versions of carisoprodol, therefore taking Soma with other opioids is particularly harmful.

Prescription drugs and booze have killed this man.

When Soma is used with other substances that depress central nervous system processes such as respiration and heart rate, the risk of overdose increases considerably. Overdosing on Soma is made more likely by the presence of other drugs that raise the risk of depression or anxiety, such as Xanax or Valium. 1

Research by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) indicated that 77 percent of Soma-related emergency room visits included prescriptions for opioids and benzodiazepines, with 55 percent and 47 percent, respectively. Alcohol was also involved in 12% of Soma-related ER visits. 4

Many people use slang phrases to describe mixing Soma with other substances. Soma mixed with codeine is referred to as "Soma Coma," while Soma mixed with Vicodin is referred to as the "Las Vegas Cocktail," on the street. 5

There is an increased chance of developing obsessive, drug-seeking behaviours that could lead to addiction in people who misuse Soma, in addition to the danger of overdose and other health issues.