How to treat High Blood Pressure at Bridge Pharmacy

submitted 1 year ago by DanCooke to health, updated 1 year ago

High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects a large percentage of people worldwide. It can induce cardiovascular disease, stroke, and renal failure, which can be fatal. Drugs, lifestyle changes, and regular monitoring can manage hypertension. Bridge Pharmacy offers a wide choice of hypertension medications to help people recover control and live healthy, productive lives.

We can help you control your blood pressure in the following ways:


Hypertension therapy relies heavily on medication. Bridge Pharmacy sells many prescription-only blood pressure medications. Only high-blood-pressure patients can get these medicines. These medicines include ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and beta-blockers. Our experienced pharmacists can help you choose the right medicine and explain the proper dosage in a timely manner.

Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes may be as effective as medication in treating high blood pressure. Bridge Pharmacy understands the importance of controlling blood pressure and offers personalized advice on how to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes into daily living. Salt reduction and daily exercise are examples of such changes. Smoking cessation is another. Our pharmacists can work with you to create a strategy that meets your unique criteria.

BP Readings

Controlling hypertension requires frequent blood pressure monitoring. Bridge Pharmacy offers free blood pressure checks, and our knowledgeable staff can help you track your results over time. Bridgeport's Bridge Pharmacy. If you and your doctor can discuss all of this information, treatment decisions will be easier.

Teacher Kits (Kits of Resources)

Bridge Pharmacy team believes that hypertension education is the best way to control and manage the disease. Our consumers can learn via pharmacists, films, and booklets. If you read the resources below, you'll learn more about hypertension's risks, how to control it, and why you must follow your treatment plan.

StanleyFox replied 1 year ago

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