Yoga can fix your Bad Body Posture at home | Joe Ricotta

submitted 1 year ago by jamesdwell to health

We are all guilty of neglecting our posture when concentrating on our cellphones or working long hours. Poor posture and slouching pose major health risks. And by addressing your posture concerns, they can be prevented.

"Young people reporting back, shoulder, and neck discomfort are becoming more prevalent every day. It's critical to unwind these stressed-out muscles, according to "Joe" Ricotta. Yoga may be used to rectify certain postures:

1: Balasana (Child's Pose)

To create dysfunction, the first posture we execute is the child's pose says Joe Ricotta, which will curve our shoulders forward. When we genuinely open our body will be more eager to do so. In the child's position, you should lean back on your heels, extend your arms out in front of you, and allow your head and shoulders to fall towards the floor.

2: Dhanurasan (The Bow)

The Bow simultaneously lifts the body's two halves. You use your hands and arms to bring your trunk and legs up together to make a curve, much like an archer string a bow. This enhances posture and energy by toning your back muscles and keeping your spine supple, added Joe Ricotta. Maintaining a balanced weight on your abdomen helps you lose belly fat and maintain a healthy digestive tract.

3: Utkatasana (Fierce Pose)

The muscles in the back and legs are greatly strengthened by this position. Additionally, it helps relieve tension and bad posture by working on the shoulders.

4: Chakravakrasana (Cow-cat Stretch) The Chakravakrasana (Cat-Cow Stretch) is very effective in assisting you in identifying the optimum, natural curvature of your spine. You learn to evaluate the neutral posture more precisely by shifting the spine from flexion (cat) to extension (cow), passing through the center each time.

Yoga poses like the cat-cow pose, which have been demonstrated to improve spinal flexibility and mobility, are advised for raising quality of life.

5: Plank Pose

Speaking about developing core strength, the plank is another fantastic exercise. It also identifies your areas of weakness. As per "Joe Ricotta", the plank can aid in developing core stability and strength to enhance posture and lessen spinal strain. Check to see that your butt is not protruding or sagging. To assist you in locating the center, try exaggerating each of them. Maintain abdominal engagement throughout and slightly indent your navel toward your spine. Try to keep this position for a minute or longer.


The hours spent each day bent over a computer at work or in a car are the root of many postural issues. Give it a try; you'll see obvious changes with persistent practice. These yoga positions will assist fight any propensity to slouch as well as develop your body awareness and core strength.