Slip and Fall Accidents at an Illinois Business

submitted 3 months ago by rcklawfirm to justice

Slip and fall accidents might not seem like a big deal at first, but these accidents can have catastrophic impacts for victims. People who are injured in a slip and fall accident may experience traumatic head injuries and spinal cord injuries, among many other difficulties.

If you have experienced a slip and fall accident at a business, that business may be responsible for your injuries. An experienced Illinois slip and fall accident lawyer can help you determine if you have a case.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents Slip and fall accidents can occur when a person encounters a wet area, an area full of tripping hazards, or a poorly maintained and damaged area. Common causes of slip and fall accidents around businesses include:

Slippery ice or water on the floors outside of a business or inside a business without proper signage

Wires, cords, or other tripping hazards inside or outside a business

Poorly maintained flooring or carpet

Poor lighting

Who Is Liable for a Slip and Fall Accident? Determining liability is essential for a slip and fall accident because the party who is liable for your accident is the one who is responsible for your injuries. In order to file a claim for compensation, you and your lawyer will need to try to prove liability. Upon investigating the circumstances of your accident, your lawyer will build a case for who is liable for your injuries by reviewing evidence such as photographs, witness testimony, and medical reports.

In Illinois, liability for slip and fall accidents is determined by the concept of premises liability. Under this concept, a business owner must properly maintain his or her property, including making repairs, and he or she has a duty to warn people who are legally on the property about potential hazards.

Even if you think you may have been responsible for a slip and fall accident, you should still talk to a personal injury attorney. Illinois allows people who are partially responsible for accidents to recover damages in many cases. For example, if there was water spilled on a floor at a grocery store and you did not see it because you were texting, you may believe that you alone were responsible for slipping on the water and breaking your hip. However, depending on the circumstances of the case – such as how much the grocery store knew about the spill and how long they knew it – you may still be eligible to recover compensation.

Contact a Joliet, IL Slip and Fall Accident Attorney You may find yourself severely injured after a slip and fall around an Illinois business and you should take such an incident seriously. A Kendall County, IL slip and fall accident lawyer is vital to advocating for your rights and the compensation you deserve after such an injury.

At Rathbun, Cservenyak & Kozol LLC, we have a strong record of success for our clients and millions of dollars in verdicts awarded. We will provide you with dedicated representation throughout your personal injury claim. Call 815-730-1977 for a free consultation.