Retouching Real Estate Images During Covid-19 Lockdown | YouTube

submitted 3 years ago by alanlegaspi to pics

2020 has been a strange year indeed. Covid-19 became an unexpected turn of the decade which we all thought was a year of new beginnings. It is a time when we all saw the world stopping on its tracks, our favorite establishments closing down, and seeing ourselves stay at home for our own good. However, if there is a silver lining to all of this it is reconnecting with the people and things we love. This has also provided an opportunity to reinvent ourselves in the world of real estate photography. The length of time we need to spend during lockdown can be used wisely to jump in front of our computer and make the most of the downtime. Image retouching in real estate can be re-explore, re-imagined, and re-shaped. Learning to blend new techniques and putting together a new style of retouching real estate images might just be your next edge in the competitive world of real estate photography once lockdown has been lifted.

Reference: Photo and Video | Retouching Real Estate Images During Covid-19 Lockdown