Angular Vs. React: Which to choose in 2022?

submitted 2 years ago by ArenaKelly to post

"Angular Vs React is a common discussion with a lot of attention nowadays. Here’s something that will help you choose the best for your upcoming projects.

The angular framework mainly helps in the development of web-based applications. The single code base feature of this platform makes it advantageous to use. While adding or updating anything in the app, complete source code isn’t required to change.

While talking about React, it is a JavaScript library that is used to create interactive user interfaces for applications. And the main feature of React is that it allows developers to create reusable components.

So, if you want a large-scale app with many features, Angular can be a better fit. If you require to have a Single Page Application (SPA) or something lightweight, React might help you out. Hence, the choice is yours, which platform you want for your next project."