Condo Board Meeting Minutes | Why Minutes are Important for HOAs & Condos

submitted 9 months ago by minutessolutions to post

Want to know why minutes are important for HOAs & Condos? Check out our blog to discover the significance of condo board meeting minutes for HOAs & condos. Learn why proper meeting minutes are crucial.

Taking minutes for an HOA or condo meeting can be arduous, intimidating, and a misunderstood procedure. But make no mistake, meeting minutes are crucial and – if taken incorrectly – could cost the community financially.

Condo board meeting minutes are not supposed to be a verbatim recording of what happened at the meeting, but rather they are an official record of the decisions taken by the board of directors. It is where the motions, votes on motions, action items, and notations of items tabled for a future meeting are memorialized. These minutes play a pivotal role in maintaining transparency and accountability within the community.