Complete Guide to the Top 17 School Bus GPS Tracking Systems

submitted 8 years ago by alexabutler to science

As a parent, wouldn't you like to know where the school bus is that you and your child are waiting for?

Wouldn't it be great if you were able to see your child's bus on a map, know if it is running late, get an ETA estimate of its arrival, get notifications if it is behind schedule, and get alerted in case of emergency?

How about even being able to see that your child is confirmed to be on the bus so you know they are safe and en route as expected?

With today's quickly developing systems these features and many more are giving parents and school administrators more peace of mind, control and efficiency in the critical effort of transporting children safely to and from school.

Let's explore the top 17 school bus tracking systems and applications and see what they each have to offer: