by following these steps below:
Be certain to check off all the boxes on Maryland's list of requirements. If you're someone dealing with unending discomfort, grappling with PTSD, or frequently battling intense bouts of nausea, you might just find yourself in the category of those who qualify. It's absolutely key to have a medical professional verify your ailment with a proper diagnosis.
Search for a physician in Maryland who is authorized to prescribe medical marijuana. If they deduce that your condition warrants it, they will propose the use of medicinal cannabis.
Schedule an appointment with the physician. During the evaluation, discuss your medical history, symptoms, and treatment options. If the doctor approves, they'll issue a written certification.
Register online with Maryland's Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC) within 120 days of the doctor's certification. Complete the patient registration and provide necessary documentation, including the doctor's certification and proof of Maryland residency.
Once approved, you'll receive an MMCC ID number. This confirms your status as a registered medical cannabis patient in Maryland.
With your MMCC ID and medical marijuana recommendation, visit a licensed dispensary in Maryland. Present your ID to purchase medical cannabis products.
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