How to find trending hashtags for Instagram

submitted 2 years ago by socialmedia-blog to post

Like Twitter, Instagram doesn't publicize a list of popular hashtags. If you do a search for a hashtag on Instagram you'll be able to see the number of posts that use that hashtag. You'll also see the list of popular Instagram hashtags using similar words, with post counts included as well.

To search for hashtags on a desktop, type in the hashtag including the # symbol into your search bar. On mobile, type in your search term in the search box, and then tap Tags.

If you're watching you Instagram page, you'll be able to quickly spot trending hashtags that are emerging. Don't be too eager to get caught up in trends, however. Only post using the hashtag that is trending in the event that it makes sense to your company, and for the specific contents of your post.

How do I search for several hashtags in Instagram

The most convenient method to search for multiple hashtags on Instagram is to create search streams using an application for social listening such as Hootsuite to monitor hashtags you're interested in so you can view all relevant content on one screen without having to do each hashtag as an individual Instagram hashtag search.

Instagram's business profiles can run up to 30 distinct hashtag searches within any given seven-day period.

Here's more details on how to configure search streams in order that you can keep track of several Instagram hashtags in one dashboard.

We wrote a full post about the benefits of social listening if you are interested in learning more about the way this works. Plus: download a no-cost checklist which outlines the exact steps that a fitness influencer has taken to grow from one to 600,000+ followers on Instagram without spending a dime and without expensive gear.

Instagram hashtag search: What is the best way to identify the most effective hashtags on Instagram to promote your business

Here's the truth. You could upload your photo onto one of the numerous Instagram hashtag generators available and get a bunch of hashtag suggestions that are free. But these suggestions aren't going to be as strategic and efficient as conducting the research yourself.

Here are some strategies to think of Instagram hashtags that will actually increase reach and engagement.

Look up the contest

It's not necessary to follow the strategy of your competitors in a way, but taking a some time to study the hashtags they're using can provide some useful clues about what's working in your sector.

Perhaps you'll find new hashtags to include in your collection. You may decide that you don't want the same amount of attention and in that case, you'll be able to search for other hashtags you could use. More on BigBangram!


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